On Saturday October 28, 2023 over 20 adults and kids showed up at Shenandoah's Museum to hear ghost stories as told by Susan Clark.

Among the many stories she told was one called “Bloody Mary” Bloody Mary is a legend of a ghost, and she is said to appear in a mirror when her name is chanted repeatedly.

Another very popular story she told was an Appalachian Legend ghost story called “Tailypo.” 

The tale begins with an old man in a little cabin, deep in the woods and his three hounds Uno, Ino, and Cumptico-Calico.

A most curious creature crept through a crack between the logs in the wall. The creature has a “BIG, LONG, FURRY TAIL.” The creature was very quick, but the old man was able to cut off its tail. He then cooks and eats the very taste tail. The old man goes to bed, then…just before daylight, the old man gets a strange feeling that there’s something in the cabin with him. That something starts climbing up the bed covers. First, the man sees two pointed ears poking up over the foot of his bed…then he sees “two big, round, fiery eyes.” That varmint has returned to get its tailypo!

Story tellers like Susan are found on a website called The Virginia Storytelling Alliance.

The Virginia Storytelling Alliance is Virginia’s network for storytelling arts. They connect, support, and exchange information among storytellers and promote the art of storytelling throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. They promote professionals, hobbyists, and those interested in storytelling, whether or not they currently perform publicly. You can find out more about them at the visiting their website:



The Town of Shenandoah Museum and Welcome Center is excited to announce

Susan Clark, a member of the Virginia Storytelling Alliance, will be at the museum on Saturday, October 28th from 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to tell ghost stories.

Susan Clark has been telling stories and teaching people to tell stories for more than 30 years through her career as children’s librarian and continuing into her retirement. Her favorite tales come from the Appalachian Mountain regions and Native American traditions.  She is most well known for her ghost tales which she shares at libraries and campgrounds around the state. Using voice inflection and body movement, Susan weaves a story that brings a thrill of suspense and a shiver or two to all who listen, the scarier the better!  Intended for ages 7 and up.

Town of Shenandoah Museum & Welcome Center, 507 First Street, Shenandoah, Va 22849 October 28th 1:30p.m.-2:15p.m. Intended for ages 7 and over.