Jaxon Staples lives in the Town of Shenandoah and he is a member of Youth Page Alliance for Community Actions (Y)PACA.
Jaxon is a sophomore at Page County High School and on Sunday July 14, 2024 he boarded a Boeing 737 jet airliner at Baltimore BWI Airport and flew out to Chicago Illinois to learn ways to bring kids and teens outside, and learn more ways to spread the word about substance prevention.
He attended Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) 23rd Annual Mid-Year Training Institute (MYTI) July 14-18, 2024 in Hilton Chicago, located in Chicago, Illinois.
Held for 4 days during the summer, the Mid-Year Training Institute (MYTI) offers in-depth, interactive training sessions geared specifically for community coalition leaders and staff. MYTI also includes two levels of training for the National Youth Leadership Initiative activities (i.e., Key Essentials and Advanced). From fundamentals of coalition building and strategic planning to evaluation and research, you will walk away motivated and inspired. The MYTI is held in a different city each year in either late July or early August.
In his freshman year of school, he was part of the Superintendents Student Advisory Committee.
Jaxon will be a sophomore at Page County High School this fall and all his classes are going to be advanced in the 24-25 school year and will be going on his 3rd year of Spanish.
When Jaxon is not in school, he stays busy helping people around town walk their dogs and mowing their yards, or he volunteers at Shenandoah Page One, and also lends a hand at PACA and YPACA.
You may also see him taking pictures at local events in town for the Town Newsletter or you may catch him attending a Shenandoah Town Council meeting.