The original founding members of the Shenandoah Beautification Committee (SBC) disbanded back in 

early December 2021. See our article Thank-you-and-Farwell SBC

There is now a new group forming to take over the duties of the former SBC.

From the Shenandoah Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021

On Page 9 under Parks and Recreation-

“Chairman Jenkins also stated the Shenandoah Beautification Committee had disbanded, Brenda Haggett had mentioned to him they wanted to form another group and take over duties of the former Shenandoah Beautification Committee.

Town Manager Roudabush stated the former committee received $2,500.00 every fiscal year from the Town.  The former committee wrote a check to the Town in the amount of $3,022.68, thus closing their checking account.

Councilman Comer asked what the Town was going to do with the money?

Town Manager Roudabush stated the money is currently in the Parks donation budget, but it was up to the Council to decide what to do with the money.  Her idea would be to use some of the money to purchase Winter banners for First Street.

Councilman Jenkins had photos of various Winter banners and showed them to the Council.

Councilman Lowe stated the new group that wants to take over the duties of the former Shenandoah Beautification Committee should get the $3,022.68.

A motion was made by Councilman Lowe, seconded by Councilman Fox, to give the $3,022.68 to the new group that wants to take over the duties of the former Shenandoah Beautification Committee, once they have a checking account in place. 

Members Roll Call Vote was as follows:

YEA:   Councilman Comer                                        NAY:  None

             Councilman Fox

             Councilman Jenkins                                                   

             Councilman Lowe

             Councilman Pierce

ABSTAIN: Vice Mayor Kite

ABSENT:  Mayor Lucas

VOTE:  Unanimous in favor of motion”

End of Town Council Minutes.

It anyone would like to join this new SBC or get further information, please call Brenda Haggett at 540-652-2261. Attached is a picture we took a few days ago of The Shenandoah Welcome Sign and the famous Truck all decorated with lights and Valentines. Truck on loan thanks to Richard’s Auto Salvage, LLC.