This month marks the 10th-year anniversary of when the Shenandoah Beautification Committee (S.B.C.) unveiled their famous Christmas Truck at Big Gem Park.

Over the years the SBC has decorated the old truck many different ways for the holidays, to include Valentine Truck, St Patrick’s Day Truck, Easter and may other occasions. Pictures of all of these trucks can be found on our website in the Beautification Committee tab that is located under the Town of Shenandoah tab at the top of the page.

When we took our first picture of the truck, we took it and had Christmas Cards made at the Shenandoah Computer Center.  Follow link below to learn how the SBC created their first Christmas Truck in December 2014.

The First Christmas Truck

 From Shenandoah Newz Facebook page on December 14, 2024 Under a picture of the First Christmas Truck, Tracy Triggs indicated that the old truck used to be her father’s truck before going to Stepps Salvage yard. 


This picture of the Christmas truck was taken on December 11, 2024.