Flash back in time 79 Years ago this week to the date of July 20, 1936 - The below movies were playing at the Theater in the Town of Shenandoah on First Street. The Shenandoah Theater was located to the left of Strickler’s Hardware Store. The movie newspaper ads were donated to the Town Museum by Jill Young. The First Street Photograph courtesy of Nealda Anderson and was taken during a Shenandoah Home Coming Parade in 1950’s. The Shenandoah Museum has a very large collection of historical photographs that were donated by the community. If you have a photo you would like to donate to the museum, they can scan your photograph and give the original back to you. The town is looking for a good picture of the Shenandoah Theater, so if you know someone that has one, please send them to the Town Hall.