- The Shenandoah Beta Sigma Phi Chapters would like to thank those who attended, as well as those who helped with, the Lamplight Dinners at the Cottage in December. This was by far the most well attended dinner in recent years and the community support is appreciated.
- No activities are scheduled at the cottage in the near future, as plans are underway to replace the front porch. When the Woman's Club disbanded, they donated $2,300. To be used for the Cottage. If anyone else is interested in making a donation for this project, please contact Nancy Karnes at 540-652-3354.
- The Genie Company donated to the Town a huge industrial size scale which had been on the premise from the time the Knitting Mill owned the facility. The Shenandoah Heritage Center will be raising funds to build a small building to house this set of scales. If you are interested in this project, please contact Nancy Karnes at 540-652-3354.
(Cottage news obtained from The Town Newsletter, winter 2013)