Today September 18, 2011 the Shenandoah VFW Post 8613 held their first annual car & motorcycle show. The event was held in the lot adjacent to the post building just off Junior Avenue in Shenandoah. The threat of rain may have kept some vehicles from coming out, but those that did attend went home with a lot of fine door prizes and one lucky driver went away with a cash prize of $100 courtesy of Joe Bowman of Harrisonburg Va.

Todays events included a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction.

Large trophies were handed out to three vehicles and three motorcycles. Music was provided by Under the Influence and post members sold chicken dinners.

The local businesses really supported this event. There were so many door prizes that almost every registered vehicle owner went home with at least one free gift.

Click here to view photos from todays car show:!FgeVZ3gFdb-olQhRQVUhSkI0c2UqdyQM?e=Mbd1B0