The below letter was sent to the Shenandoah Town Hall and was written by a Veteran that rode in Saturdays Combat Veterans Ride.

I rode into Town today as part of the Combat Vets Ride.....and want to tell you how much I and my fellow Veterans appreciate the amazing Welcome you folks gave us!
Being escorted into Town by a couple of Fire Trucks and the Police....seeing the Banner saying "Welcome" and then rounding the corner and seeing yet more Fire Trucks and so many Town folk waving and cheering both at the VFW and along the Streets of Town meant far more to us than you know.
Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans got no welcome upon returning.....and when we are honored by such acts as Shenandoah did today.....we are deeply moved by such kindness and consideration.
I know I speak for my fellow Veterans who were the recipients of your Town's very kind attention......Thank You all, each and every one of you.
With the warmest regards,
Ralph Chappell
Combat Vets Chapter, North Carolina 15.5