On Friday May 21, 2021 The Town of Elkton maintenance crews delivered a handcrafted bench made from trees that were 

removed from the town of Elkton, and donated it to the town of Shenandoah. Juanita Roudabush, Town Manager and her public works crew were very appreciative of their new piece now placed at the Shenandoah River Park. Shenandoah Newz went down to the Shenandoah River Park on Saturday morning and tried out this new bench. The bench is located directly in front of the Gazabo as one is looking west towards the Shenandoah River. We were very impressed on how comfortable and sturdy the bench was. This bench sits in the shade under a canopy of trees with an excellent view of the Shenandoah River. Nice location to enjoy a cone of ice cream or can of soda while enjoying the views. One could even feed the ducks that are located nearby.  Picture of Elkton’s maintenance crew obtained from Town of Elkton’s Facebook page.

Town of Elkton Facebook Page Link:
