Update on the sale of the former Assembly of God Church. The church is located at 712 Maryland Avenue at corner of Maryland Avenue and Eight Street in the town of Shenandoah.
Latest update on this former church building in Shenandoah as of Thursday August 17, 2023: We drove by the property on August 17, 2023 and it now has a For Sale Sign in the front yard and being listed with Funkhouser Group. Attached photo was taken on this date also.
Follow link below to view website where the property is currently listed.
On November 27, 2021 we posted about the church being for sale at the following link: Assembly of God Church For Sale
On April 25, 2023 Shenandoah Town Council held Joint Public Hearing with Planning Commission for a rezoning request from Residential (R2) to Residential (R3) Shenandoah Assembly of God on property located at and near 712 Maryland Avenue. The request was approved to rezone the property identified by tax map numbers 102A4-(1)-3 lots 7-13 from Residential (R2) to Residential (R3). That same night they held Joint Public Hearing with Planning Commission for a special use permit for Shenandoah Assembly of God (current listed owner) and EGM Enterprises (applicant/purchaser) on property located at and near 712 Maryland Avenue to allow for conversion of a church building to an apartment with 12 units. The special use permit was approved for a conversion of a church building to an apartment with 12 units identified by tax map numbers 102A4-(1)-3 lots 7-13 with the following conditions: shall meet all Town Code regulations, erect a privacy fence to be installed along the hill separating 605 Eighth Street from the apartment complex, and 706 Maryland Avenue only if the current property owners wish to have the privacy fence, minimum of weekly refuse removal, maintain adequate exterior and inter lighting for safety, maintain security camera system, management to conduct regular inspections and make immediate corrections to any issues found, and management to provide snow removal and upkeep of parking areas.
On June 12, 2023 we drove by the former church and observed the for-sale sign had been replaced with a for lease sign.
On June 13, 2023 we emailed Shenandoah Town Manager inquiring if the church had been sold. She replied “It has been sold to EGM Enterprises (owned by James Shifflett). I spoke to James last week. His future intentions are to remodel it for an up to 12-unit apartment building. However, he reported due to his current workload that option cannot be done at this time. Therefore, he plans to lease the building to a church for the time being. (Sign out front now, says for Lease).”
Below is link to a Pdf file containing an eight-page lease brochure containing color photos of all levels of the church and the floor plans plus an aerial view of outside of the church property.
Assembly of God Church Lease Brochure
Below is a link to the listing of the church for lease.
On June 12, 2023 we drove out the new Assembly of God Church. Their new church is a mile east of former church and is located at 311 Comertown Road Shenandoah Va. (Route 602). We took a picture of the front of the church and of their outside digital LED information sign.
On their Youtube channel they post live Stream videos of their Sunday and Wednesday services. At this location you can view a collection of their live stream videos. This collection has well over one years’ worth of recorded videos.
Below is a link to Shenandoah Assembly of God Facebook page:
Above picture of former church at 712 Maryland Avenue at corner of Maryland Avenue and Eight Street in the town of Shenandoah was taken on June 12, 2023.
Above is a picture of Shenandoah Assembly of God Church taken in 1966. Taken prior to front porch/entry door way being remodeled and parking lot, steps being installed. Also right wing was added to church. This photo was provided by Jane Sly Pittman.
Above picture was taken on June 12, 2023 showing the new Assembly of God Church at 311 Comertown Road Shenandoah Va. (Route 602).
Above picture of their new church and sign was taken on June 12, 2023 at 311 Comertown Road Shenandoah Va. (Route 602).