At one time, the town of Shenandoah had several small grocery stores scattered all around town. One of them was called Guy Hoch Groceries.

The building that housed the Guy Hoch Groceries is still standing and is located on Virginia Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Street in the town of Shenandoah. A neighbor that lives in the area said they heard the building housed a grocery store, pop factory and church. We had never heard about a church being at that location, so that got our curiosity going, and we decided to learn all we could about the building. 

Online records indicated the house next to the building was built in 1923. Sandborn Fire Insurance Map shows a house and building at that location on their maps dated 1917 and 1924.

In the book Shenandoah A History of Our Town And Its People on page 79 we read “Guy Hoch ran a grocery store in the old Warthen building on Front Street and later built his own store next to his home on Virginia Avenue, where he later operated a Pop Factory.” And on page 286 it said “Guy Hoch Building – Originally operated by Mr. Hoch as a grocery store and pop factory. Later it became a Mill Store No. 2, operated by Buck Wilson.”

Note: About the Warthen building on Front Street, we learned that the Warthen building burned down in the January 13, 1963 fire, it would have been the building beside the Bank/Town Hall.  The G. W. Warthen Building was also the Roller Building. This information was provided to us by Lora Jenkins, Town of Shenandoah Museum Curator.   

In the Page News and Courier dated October 15, 1926 Guy Hoch Grocery was listed as one of two Shenandoah stores that sold Snow King Baking Powder. The other store was W.B. Davis.  Davis Groceries and this store was located on corner of Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.  See our article about Davis store being torn down  Historical David Store Torn Down

In the Page News and Courier dated March 10, 1936 we read “The mill has opened ‘Mill Store No. 2 in the Guy Hoch property. They have renovated and remodeled the building and have a modern city store at your disposal. They are offering groceries of all kinds and Buck Wilson a former employee of the Shenandoah Milling Co. is now employed in the Mill Store.”

In the Page News and Courier dated September 29, 1936 we read “Roy Fischer is now employed in Mill Store No.2. and the Mill stores 1 and 2 are now running their truck to Baltimore once each week and bringing fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and oysters for their customers.”

In the Page News and Courier dated March 9, 1937 we read “Mill Stores No. 2 and No.1 have merged into Mill Store No.1 Buck Wilson, who has handled No.2 in a very efficient way, is now employed at No.1. They announce their wiliness and eagerness to serve their patrons as they have been doing int the past.”

In the Page News and Courier dated December 3, 1940 we read “The Guy Hoch home and store on Sixth Street and Virginia Avenue recently purchased by J. K. Callary and is being remodeled and modernized.” Mr J. K. Callary was on Shenandoah Town Council for many years in the late 30’s and early 40’s.

Mr. Guy Sydney Beauford Hoch passed away April 26, 1958.

With the assistance of our fans on our Facebook page, we were able to find the name of the church that used to be located in the Hoch building. The church was called The Mission House of Dedication and the pastor was the Reverend Calvin D. Stroupe. Articles found in the Daily News Record stated it started regular services in the Guy Hoch building in September 1966. Reverend Stroupe passed away on June 26. 1979 and we couldn’t find any church articles beyond his death.

 In the September 3, 1966 edition of The Daily News Record, we found the below article

Mission House Sets Regular Services

SHENANDOAH - The Mission House of Dedication will begin regular Sunday morning and evening services in the Guy Hoak store building on Virginia Avenue here Sept. ll. In the past, services have been held at irregular intervals. In addition to the Sunday services, prayer meetings will be held on Wednesdays and Saturday services will be held at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Calvin Stroupe is pastor.


In the June 18, 1970 edition of the Daily News Record, the church announced its Christmas Service.

In the April 9, 1977 Daily News Record, the church announced its Gospel Sing.


In the June 28, 1979 Daily News Record, it stated the funeral for Rev. Calvin D Stroupe, 51, of 806 Junior Ave., Shenandoah will be conducted 2 p.m. Friday at the Mission House of Dedication by the Rev. John Sherfey and the Rev. Larson Cave. Burial will be in Graves Chapel Cemetery in Stanley.


The top image of Guy Hoch Grocery was found in In the book Shenandoah A History of Our Town And Its People on page 104 and caption read “Guy Hoch Grocery -1930’s”


The above picture of the former Guy Hoch Grocery Store was taken in September 2024. It is located between Fifth and Sixth Street on Virginia Avenue in town of Shenandoah and appears to be in very good condition.